It is the trap that has held many bound, the applause that many looked forward to while neglecting more important things in life. It is the feeling of been seen as working hard or rewarded as such. Are you working hard or just wasting potential?
It is crucial to assess every activity you engage in from time to time as you may ticking one box—working hard—at the expense of another—inefficient use of abilities. Many focus on what they are doing or used to but neglecting what they could do. If you only focus on working hard, you may be doing the same thing while wasting precious potential without knowing. Some people may be capable of doing more but never know how to move from just working to making the most of their potential.
One personnel could spend eight hours feeding papers into a copier to get more copies or probably scan them. At the end of the working day, he is tired and probably worn out. He may applaud himself as a hard worker. Yes, he produced the copies or scanned documents, which is likely to make him look good, but he can do much more than that within the same period.
The repetitive nature of the work will soon take its toll on him with evidence of body pain, boredom and discomfort. If he discovers a better way, he could free himself to do something else with his time and ability without affecting the result he anticipated from making copies.
Another person may use tools that would feed the papers in order with less of his involvement. It can help conserve time and energy to use for something else. He would get the same result but also achieve some more. The reason is simple—he has conserved time and energy that could be useful in some other things that will give him the extra benefits without affecting the initial work. It could help in other work, personal development, planning, thinking, and many other activities that could enhance his personality and growth.
Many people fall for the temptation of working so hard at the expense of destroying their potential. They used up all their energy continually till they never have time for crucial things. There are so many little things that could make a significant difference and help achieve more within the same time.
Consider farmers using outdated tools on the farm. They would have to work, sweat and experience more wear and tear. The body would feel the impact of such exertion after a prolonged time. They get recognition for hard work, but they probably would have done more by conserving time and energy with minimal loss to their life and potential. They could achieve that goal by doing things differently, using tools and technology which relieves them—to use their abilities.
A piece of farm equipment deployed on a farm can cultivate an equivalent of one hundred football pitches within a working day. If men did it instead, it is going to take more time to complete. It will also impact them—their ability and strength will gradually wear out—faster than expected—productivity will decline.
They could also expose themselves to poisonous chemicals or hazardous situation that could affect their health, causing harm that will affect them. The discovery of an efficient way to do their work would be saving time, energy and preserving life. It is sad to know that so many have suffered injuries and health problems that have made them unable to function properly anymore.
There are so many things we do often and repeatedly that could get done without being there. The wisdom of allowing things to work themselves will go a long way in helping us to release the potential within. So many people do not have time to do more because they are stuck on a routine for years. To find the time to use their abilities is always an impossibility because of continuous work, hard work that robs them of their potential.
Have you discovered the value of time and now wish you could have more than twenty-four hours in a day? Are you still struggling to fit all your activities into the twenty-four-hour box? Do you believe you have potential and convinced that you could do more, but the time is not just there?
It is possible to recover your time and use it wisely while getting continuous results. It could be counterproductive to be working hard to achieve little while wasting your potential that could help you achieve more.
You can read more in the book “Automated: The concept of continuous results with diminishing involvement.”