They Knew it; Do you? Part 20

The Privilege

Have you ever ignored a critical part of your support system without knowing it?

No one will knowingly destroy their support system or cut themselves from the source of power that sustains them. Some people did not understand the significance of what they ignored until it was no longer there for them. They probably thought they could do without it.

When people set goals and achieve them, they may often forget some of the contributions to their success. It may not be easy to recognise until they have to do the same without them. They may then realise the importance of what they have despised.

Nebuchadnezzar had some experiences with some important lessons that could help everyone living today. He reigned the longest and was known as the powerful among the rulers of the Babylonian empire. He had significant accomplishments which made Babylon enjoy great heights of prosperity and influence. He was also successful as a conqueror and a builder, but pride brought him down. He did not understand the place of the supernatural power that sustained him.

“When people set goals and achieve them, they may often forget some of the contributions to their success”

He became mentally ill and could not function normally for many years. He could not help himself, let alone rule or govern other people. In other words, he was not in a good state of mind to do any of the things he had once done—he could not be of benefit to anyone at all.

He eventually regained sanity and published a crucial recommendation to the nations and peoples of every language living on earth. He found from his experience that the power to rule is only a privilege because God is the Almighty that controls all things.

He shares significant learning that he got through a humbling experience. He knew it—whatever he did was only a privilege to cherish and that he must honour the source of all strength. If you think you can do it all by yourself, it may be because you have not considered what you can do without.

“If you think you can do it all by yourself, it may be because you have not considered what you can do without.”

You may run and win the race but remember it is because you have legs and function as they should. You could read and pass your examination with flying colours but do not forget that it is because you have a brain that works well. You may come up with an invention that transforms your society but remember that it was possible because your thinking faculty did not fail to function and yielded to your request.

You may set a goal and work hard to achieve a feat, but do not forget that your body systems have not failed to work to help you in your pursuit. You can win the battle but remember your heartbeat did not stop. What if it did? There will be no victory for you, no achievement, or no invention.

Many people like King Nebuchadnezzar have found how useless they can be without the significant help of God. You may have initiated your problem by your actions, but you can get help before it is too late.

Whenever you achieve anything, whether small or grand—it is a privilege to remember—one to be grateful for all the time.


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