They Knew it; Do you? Part 18

Your Assignment: A great work

One of the difficult decisions for some people is what to do at a particular phase of life. The problem occurs because there are many good things to do which could bring good results.

If we focus on good things, leaving bad things to one side, we will see that even for the good ones, there are so many options that we may find ourselves doing a good thing but perhaps the wrong thing at that phase of life.

“you may succeed in good things while you have left undone what should be higher on the priority list.”

We only have twenty-four hours a day; no one can effectively fit all the possible things to do in it. If you focus on one thing, you could achieve success in one at the expense of another. If you give equal time to many things, you may find that you have started many tasks but never bring any to successful completion. If you do not know which should carry the most priority, you may succeed in good things while you have left undone what should be higher on the priority list.

No one can do everything possible and succeed doing all within the same space of time. It is crucial to know what to do and focus on it. There are so many things calling for your time and attention; interestingly, some may not even be bad—they could be things worth doing, perhaps legitimate. The only problem is that they may not bring the fulfilment you need when you do them at the expense of the important that you should have done.

“You are not like another person for a reason; it is because the world needs you for something different.”

Nehemiah, an Israelite, served in the royal palace while in Babylon. He was doing something worthwhile, but that did not bring him fulfilment—he did not have joy as there was a burden within him for a different task. He had the opportunity to express his thoughts when he had an audience with the king at the time. The king allowed him, granting him his desire to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city that suffered destruction.

He left for this purpose, but some people opposed him. However, he did not allow the opposition to distract him from what he wanted to do. He found the right company of people and organised his resources to complete the task. As they built, some people intimidated, mocked and conspired against them. Nevertheless, they persevered despite increasing threats and danger.

“You have unique gifts, skills, experiences, burdens, passions and stature, among other things, to help you fulfil your assignment.”

They tried hard to distract him from progressing with the plan, but Nehemiah focused on the work and responded to one of their requests for a meeting by saying: ‘I am doing a great work; I cannot come.’ In other words, what I am doing, regardless of how you see it, is more important to me—I will focus on it.

They were able to achieve the feat of rebuilding the wall in a breathtaking fifty-two days of focus. They accomplished a feat in only fifty-two days, but if Nehemiah did not leave the palace, he would have served royal drinks for the same period while leaving his assignment undone. It had more impact on the nation than his job.

“Not everybody will appreciate your assignment; not everyone will support it, but it is what you are here to do.”

Your assignment is what you were created to do. You have unique gifts, skills, experiences, burdens, passions and stature, among other things, to help you fulfil your assignment. You are not like another person for a reason; it is because the world needs you for something different.

Not everybody will appreciate your assignment; not everyone will support it, but it is what you are here to do. It will bring out the best in you and usher you into fulfilment. Your job is what you get paid to do, but your assignment is what you got created to do.

Your assignment is superior, but you can only make greatness out of it when it becomes a priority—giving it the dedication and the focus it deserves. You can surely succeed in anything, but that may exhaust, deplete and underutilise you. However, the energy invested in your assignment renews and fulfils you—helping you maximise your potential and impact.


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