There is a reason for the rule.
Why do you choose to obey rules? Or perhaps why do you decide to break them?
We often react to rules in different ways because of so many factors. It could be a distrust for those that made the rule or perhaps those that communicate or implement them. It could be a feeling that the purpose is to secure some people and expose others. It could be a sense that the objective is to exhibit the strength of a few and reveal the weakness of many.
It could be a feeling to shame an unacceptable preference and reward the acceptable. It could be because it is convenient and would not cost much or probably because it is inconvenient and will take so much to fulfil. It could be because of some hidden motives which are not made clear. There are possibly many more reasons that you can think of which affects our attitudes to rules.
“Many have chosen to disobey rules that are still relevant and wonder why they suffer the consequences of breaking them.”
One important thing is that there is a reason for the rule, the genuineness and fairness of the reason is another issue entirely. However, it is crucial to understand the rules, the reason behind them and the source. You may have found that some have kept rules that are no longer relevant or not applicable to them. The context is perhaps, not the same, but they still kept them—conceivably, it was more important to keep them than to understand why.
Many have chosen to disobey rules that are still relevant and wonder why they suffer the consequences of breaking them. When you understand the rules, it will help you make the right choice.
“If you choose to obey the rule, you have chosen to enjoy the benefits, but if you decide to disobey it, you have agreed to suffer the consequence.”
The children of Israel experienced the miraculous provision of food while in the wilderness—a place on their journey after exiting Egypt where it was practically impossible to get any food. It was probably the first industrial-scale fast-food delivery ever known to humankind. They got the food delivered to them within easy reach, enough for everyone to take as much as they wanted to satisfy their hunger.
Moses, their leader, gave instructions concerning the provisions even before they arrived. He told them not to keep any of the food till the next day, among other things. Some obeyed, but some did not—for some reason. Eventually, they found that all the food kept in disobedience was full of maggots and began to smell the next day. I doubt if they would have been excited by the outcome. The consequence was built-in—whatever their reason for breaking the rule, they discovered it was not a good idea.
There are people in the same situation today, willingly breaking the rules designed to protect them but cannot figure out why the outcome is unpleasant.
Are you breaking the rules made to protect you or keeping them? One crucial factor that can help anyone is to trust the source. Trust in the authority will give you confidence that it is for your ultimate good and they have your best interest at heart. It is also helpful to understand the reason.
If you choose to obey the rule, you have chosen to enjoy the benefits, but if you decide to disobey it, you have agreed to suffer the consequence. Choose wisely.