The Seasons

You may not know the name of the seasons or their order, but you cannot deny or escape the changes they bring. When you feel the temperature rise, you cannot deny the effect—you will know that something has changed. In the same way, when you see the snow and experience freezing temperatures, you will understand that a change has occurred. What can you learn from seasons? How can you prepare for a season, and what can you expect?

There are four main seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter. They all bring change that affects us. The change affects us in different ways, some more than others, but some people have made the seasons work for them instead of against them. They planned for and managed the change to bring about a positive difference.

There is one reliable information about seasons—they will always come and those that understand that plan for them. So many people try to fight against what they cannot change—they try to change the constant while they desire to keep the variable unchanged.

The farmer knows the seasons and decides to plant seeds in one season and expect harvest in another season. The farmer must fit into the constancy of the seasons to enjoy the seemingly sweatless results that accompany such actions. You can predict the frustration of a farmer that decides to plant seeds in the wrong season.

A farmer could plant lettuce—a cool-season crop in winter, but will keep the seed of beans—a warm-season crop till the beginning of spring before sowing them. The farmer is wise because he takes advantage of the seasons to fulfil his goals.

In the same way, life is in seasons. There are some changes that you cannot do anything to alter without suffering devastating consequences—they are constant and will always come. The good news is that if you understand the changes, you can vary your reaction to make those changes work for you like the farmer. You can take advantage of the season.

Many people are poor because they spend when they should be saving. Some expand when they should downsize or deflate when they ought to extend. The action may look good and right, but the season could be a critical determinant of the result. It is good to plant, but the season determines the outcome, among other things.

It is a crucial lesson that you can apply to your life. I discovered that, sometimes, you need to say your mind, but some other times you may need to mind what you say—it is an understanding of seasons. There are some seeds you sow now, some you keep for later. You may need to be strict sometimes and some other times lenient. A good understanding of the balance will help anyone go a long way. It is crucial to know what to do every season because they will always come.

The fruit tree shows the impact of the different seasons in the year. They experience visible changes as they go through harsh and pleasant conditions. However, it is interesting to know that in the harvest season, they still produce fruits—a worthwhile outcome.

Some great businesses have collapsed under the management of very lenient managers, the same way some personalities got destroyed under the leadership of some tyrants. Some children have grown to become wild because of the mismanagement of the seasons of their lives. It is a delicate balance, but knowing what to do will make a significant difference.

Do you know the seasons and the changes they bring? Do you have plans to react to the seasons that come your way? Do you know how to make the most of the seasons?

I would encourage you to understand the seasons and make the seasons of life work for you. You only need to plant at the right time, and you can expect your harvest. So many people do the planting, but very few see the harvest. It is not because they have done the wrong thing by planting, but perhaps they underestimated the season.

Do not try to change the season, but change the variable to make the season work for you.


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