The Car That Does Not Crash

Having a car could be a very beneficial help for moving from one location to another. One that serves the intended purpose would be a big win and the joy of its owner—people that have one would not desire to see it crash. I think everyone would love to have one of those. Where are those cars, where could they be found?

Rob has the experience that could be of help. He bought a car from the manufacturer, he decided to drive it around, but he never took time to take driving lessons. The outcome was that the expensive car crashed.

He was not very happy with what happened, but he decided to try again. Money was not a problem, so he chose to buy another car and drove it again. This time, he ended in a ditch. He was frustrated and agitated because it was damaged, but he only had minor injuries. He summoned courage with so much confidence and belief, he got another one and decided to try again. It was not too long afterwards that he reversed into another car. What is wrong with these cars? He exclaimed. That did not stop him either, so he tried again with yet another one. Some people almost got ran over this time while others ran for safety as they saw the fast-moving car approach driven by someone that could not control it in a busy town centre.

He still did not stop, he got another and tried again, but this time collided with an oncoming vehicle as he approached the road and drove on the wrong lane. The car crashed, he got injured and also the other driver.

The two of them had to get treatment in the hospital. The other driver met Rob afterwards and desired to know what had happened on the day of the accident.

He responded: I hope you are okay. It is the car. I would buy another that does not crash like this one.

Do you think it is the car? He asked.

Yes, Rob answered.

The gentleman replied: You are wrong; you were driving the car; is that right?

Yes, but I did not manufacture it; said, Rob.

Do you think the person that made it is responsible for the accident?

Yes, Rob responded. He continued; if it is such a good car, made by such a reputable company, with years of warranty and guarantee, they should have prevented such accident from happening?

The gentleman replied; surely you do not know how these things work. Have you read the manufacturers manual, or have you had some lessons on how to drive?

No, he answered. I think I can figure it out.

It does not work that way, replied the gentleman.

He explained: The manufacturer made the car and can guarantee the functions when used according to the recommendations in the manual. When you decide to use it, you are taking responsibility for the control of the car. The outcome you get depends on you. The manufacturer would not stop you from making a left turn even if it leads to a river, the same way you would not have any difficulty turning to the right if it leads to your home. You learn how it works and then make a decision on how to use it. It is not necessarily for you or against you—your choice determines the outcome.

The car will keep moving towards a cliff edge if you choose to drive it that way. It will not stop when approaching a building if you decide not to use the appropriate controls. It is not the manufacturer—you have taken the responsibility, then you decide what to do with it.

Rob then began to weep, so it was ‘my fault’ and not the manufacturer. Yes, it is: said the gentleman.

Rob, wiping tears from his face, said; I guess that there is no such thing as a car that does not crash then?

The gentleman replied: Well, the car that does not crash is the same as others but driven in a way that complies with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Rob responded: Now I know. Thank you very much, Sir. I am very sorry for being so irresponsible with the control I got.

The gentleman said; That is fine. I hope the accident has given you an experience that will help you proceed in the right direction.

Some people live like Rob today. They blame everyone for their problems. They blame God for not fixing the issues or preventing the failures that came as the consequences of their choices. God created and has given control for you to make the right choices; whichever way you choose, there is a result inbuilt, but the more you align with His recommendations, the better it is for you.

I would encourage you to find out what is responsible for the consequences you experience like Rob did and make appropriate changes.


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