Finding Help in times of need -Part 13

Learn from others

The challenges you are facing in life could be daunting. They may happen at different phases and leave you with a change that is beyond your control. You may not know what to do, but that does not mean that you have to live with it, there could be help available that you have not yet known.

Everyone has to go through some difficult situation at one phase of life or the other, though some may seem better than others, but no track in life is free of hurdles. We all need help, yes at different stages of our lives.

It becomes more comforting to know that the problem you have today is similar to the one someone else had in the past. If you are hungry today, many people have had that experience in the past. If you have lost your job, many others have had the same experience as far back as people began to get jobs. If you failed an examination, you are not the first. It has been happening from the time people sat for examinations. Do you lack money? You are not alone; it has been that way since the first printed note. It moves from hand to hand by voluntary or involuntary transfer until some have and others lack.

It is also interesting to know that the problems are similar and repetitive. Some of the basic needs of any human being include food, drink, clothing and shelter. It is not just for people living today; it has always been a need, and it will continue that way. It is worthy of note because it can help you in the search for relevant answers. Some people have already gone through challenging times, and they have a result, whether good or bad, based on their response at the time. It presents an opportunity to understand their situation, what they did or did not do and their resulting outcome. In other words; we already know the result of their actions; if we decide to do the same, we are likely to get the same result. If their responses brought about a positive change, a repeat of it within the scope of a similar circumstance would produce the same outcome.

One of the reasons I found mathematics exciting is because you can predict the outcome. If you follow the example carefully, using it as a guide, and apply the new figures in the right context, you can be sure whether you are right or wrong. The same is true in life. There are so many examples we can learn from in times of need. We may not necessarily do what they did, but we could understand the result of what they did and decide whether or not to follow suit.

Many people do not know what to do in challenging times, and they never consider it necessary to learn from other people that have gone through similar experiences in life. Someone somewhere has gone through what you are going through now, and their story or actions could be of great benefit to your life.

A student that keeps failing a competitive examination, for instance, may not know the reason why others can score high marks under the same condition. If he attempts to learn, he may discover that they have mastered easier and faster methods of doing the same thing.

Have you been applying for jobs and never got an interview invitation? Many people have done that, but some have gotten jobs, and many have done it several times. They may have some details that you do not have, which could help you make progress. People that take time to learn may soon discover why they never got a job offer. They would usually have a change of opinion after applying the knowledge they lacked. Some may regret not acting sooner, as they have been wasting their precious time.

If you are struggling, do not wait for things to get better. Learn from those that are already successful at doing what you are about to do. They will have some information that could help in making a better decision. They could help you with knowledge that would help you progress from the point of stagnation.

There are so many young people suffering and frustrated as they go through the different developmental changes and phases of life. Many have gone through the same, and they have information that could help.

A boy grows to become a man, and a girl grows up to become a woman. The different stages of their natural growth and development are not new. Some men and women that you trust could provide help, guidance, and support through the process. They have gone through those phases, and they have many things to offer that can make your journey smoother. Your parents and many other people you trust could provide the help you need.

You may be struggling in your career or work. Many people have been in that career for years, and they had good and bad experiences. They probably also have lots of information on how they overcame the peculiar challenges they have encountered in the process. You may be experiencing one of those at present. They already have the answer because they had the same problem. It is wise to learn from them to find out how to progress in your journey.

Imagine a young apprentice or graduate that starts to provide services. He/she may encounter a problem that never came up in his few years of training. He/she then proclaims ‘I have never seen this before.’ It means he/she needs help. If a more experienced professional in the field arrives at the scene, the professional would probably smile and say; ‘It does not happen often, it is one of the strange situations, but this is what you have to do.’  If you do not know what to do, it may be time to learn from those who know. It is not a time to give up, but a time to seek help from those that know.

What is your need? Have you tried all you know and cannot see any positive change? You may want to consider learning from the example of other people. There are so many opportunities to learn, but you should also be cautious to ascertain that the source is trusted and the information is relevant to you.

To be continued next week, don’t miss it.

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