Understand the Environment.
Have you ever wondered why some people fail in seemingly profitable businesses? Why do many lose when everybody seems to proclaim profits? Why is it that what usually works does not work for some?
The same actions but different results. The same input but different output. Have you ever witnessed such? Has it ever occurred to you why so many people try to do what others do and never get the same result? Have you wondered why some get frustrated because they expected one result but got the exact opposite? They desired profit; they got losses instead. They hoped to attract more people; they ended up with less. They thought it would turn out all right, but it did not. Why do we experience such conflicts and variations even when it seems the action looks the same?
You may have had the privilege of seeing two different people doing the same thing but end up with two different results. It probably might have happened to you at some point in your life, where you got a different outcome even though you did the same thing you had once done before. The difference could be a little variation from the previous or in some instances, the exact opposite. You may have found this to be true.
If you consider any object, for instance, it will be seen clearly and easily identifiable in the day time as compared to the night or in darkness, because the background or surroundings affects the visibility of the object even though it remains the same.
Similarly, ice cubes from a freezer thrown outside the garden in London will melt quickly in the summer as compared to wintertime, even though it was from the same source and thrown to the same location. The temperature difference and other factors of the same environment has affected the ice and has made it respond differently at different times. These, amongst others, are factors in the background that has altered the result.
You may have witnessed the actions of a farmer, as he drops a seed in the ground. Simple and easy to understand? I wonder what you think? Trying to copy that action without further details of the environment, may end up in a different outcome. A different soil or ground will alter the output or the ability for the seed to germinate. The season could make a huge difference. The nutrients present or absent in the soil will reflect on the outcome. All of these factors, and many others would have played a role in the success of the farmer. Anyone trying to copy him must also be aware of these factors and not just some of the actions. That is what I consider as the environment or factors that affect the outcome.
Many times we observe the actions of a farmer or people in general but it is crucial to look at not just the activity, but also the background, as you may have a different result in a different circumstance or environment.
We often desire to copy the activities of some other people, to get the same result they have achieved. We, however, fail to realise some background information that helped them. Why, when and under which circumstance they performed such actions.
I have seen so many people lose their hard-earned money in a bid to copy what some investors are doing or advertising. They take the actions but do not consider the context, and they end up with a different and painful result. Investments will not always bring profits even if you bought them as low as they could be, there are so many other factors that come to play in achieving success that you need to understand to get the desired result. Those are the environmental factors that make it go well.
Love and discipline of children have produced different results in different circumstances because it is not just the actions that count, but also the understanding of the varying situations and knowing which is applicable and when that is vital for success. Some children have been denied discipline when it was required, and have become unruly and ungrateful while others have been starved of love when it was necessary; they turned out to be wild. Many often make the mistake of copying others; they only seem to be told or see when one of these is done and may not be privy to the activities at other times. There are so many factors that contribute to the success that is in the environment.
The success or failure of anyone has more to it than just some actions, so many other things around them would have played one role or the other in what they now see.
I once listened to a property investor that proclaims he always makes a profit from property. I soon found out some few things about his environment and what contributed to his success. He only buys repossessed properties which are usually at a discount of thirty per cent or more of the market value. It implies that he is already in profit from day one, even if there is no change in market value. Some people copy and invest in property; they buy at market value, a little more or less, which they may also see as a bargain; but they soon end up with a different result.
Students that pass or fail an examination, most often than not have access to the same materials; but there are still always differences in the result. There is something more that has contributed to the success or failure of the students. Some of them could be traceable to factors around their environment.
Some new products have a significant interest in a short time after launch. The manufacturer of the product may already have a customer base. It could have been grown for a while or diverted from another business or service they were once involved. They could provide offers, discounts, or gifts and incentives to encourage and generate such interests. There are so many that invest in marketing through their contacts to spread awareness. Some people never consider these and keep struggling to make headway. There is more that goes into it than is usually seen.
Many are the things we can learn, but it is very vital to understand the circumstances around the actions and the context of the activities. Their result is not just because of what they did, but also how, and when they did it and the environment or prevailing conditions at the time they did it all have a contribution to the result. Do not copy blindly, some details in the surrounding circumstances are crucial to the success of the action, it may not be obvious, but that is what will make it work.
To be continued next week, don’t miss it.
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I couldn’t resist commenting. Perfectly written!