Copy Right -Understanding the art of learning from others -Part 11

Discover the purpose.

Have you ever wondered why some people are often satisfied doing what others do and never attempt to check whether or not it is the right thing to do? Have you met with people that are committed to doing what others have done but do not know the purpose of the actions?

It is common to see many that have kept traditions and passed on the same to others. They have also kept it and in turn passed it on. However, in some cases, some things were lost in such a continuous transition. One of which is the original purpose of such actions. They passed on the activities but not the reasons behind them. It explains the frustration of some people today. They attempt to act like others but do not understand the reasons behind their decisions or actions. It eventually leads to frustration.

Some people are happy to follow a particular way of life, as long as it is accepted by many. It is interesting to see what many people do around the world today. A lot of people might have seen it as a norm, but that may not necessarily make it so. Sometimes it could be assumptions that have been left unchallenged.

When you use anything for the purpose for which it manufactured, within the recommended guidelines, it could be referred to as or called recommended use. If you decide to use it for any other purpose or outside the recommended guidelines, it is abnormal use or abuse.

It is easy to abuse when the purpose of a thing or person is not known. If you want to find out, it is the answer to the question why. Why do you do what you do? Why do you follow the actions of others? Is it because of what they have said or you have taken time to discover the purpose of that thing you are doing? If you do what others do and do not know the reason you may be abusing without knowing.

I was touched, by the story of a young man that was arrested and jailed for murder. He recalled his relationship with his parents. He was beaten and punished for his misbehaviour. He heard these words every time it happened; ‘It hurts me more than it hurts you, but I have to inflict this pain on you, because I love you…’ He heard those words and concluded that: ‘You inflict pain on those you love.’ He grew up with this understanding and inflicted pain on anyone he loves, causing havoc everywhere till he finally murdered a mother and her daughter. He thought torment meant love. His parents did it, but he did not understand the purpose or what they wanted to achieve. He decided to follow suit creating pain everywhere he went. He copied the action but did not understand the reason. Many families have been reduced to tears because they have copied something similar. They want to achieve discipline, but they ended up with tragedy. There is a difference between punishment and discipline. The goal of the former is pain, while that of the latter is correction and change. It is for a lesson to be learnt and restoration of character. If the reason is not understood, the result will be destructive.

There are so many things in our world today that is known more for their detrimental use than beneficial use. The word cocaine, is best known for its abuse on the streets and the dreadful repercussions of addiction to such drug. It is true, but it does have a beneficial purpose. It has legitimate and helpful uses in medicine for anaesthesia and vasoconstriction of the upper respiratory tract. If you do not know, do not copy others to abuse it, leave it alone.

Many never get to know the real use; they only know the abnormal use because it is popular and accept that as a normal. No, it is not normal. If you do not understand the purpose of anything, you are likely to abuse it. If you do not know the purpose of a drug, you are likely to abuse it. It is called Drug abuse. If you do not understand the purpose of a child, you are likely to abuse the child, it is called child abuse.

Some do not know the purpose of a parent; they turn them to slaves, that is parent abuse. Many do not understand the purpose of a secretary; they turn them to a wife or instrument of pleasure, that is abuse. You must have heard of leaders that have taken advantage of their followers for gain and gratification. They do not understand the purpose of leadership, that is abuse. The news have reported teachers that have engaged in immorality with their students. They abused them because they did not understand the purpose of their role.

Those in position of authority are there for a purpose. When there is gross misconduct, it is called abuse of position or power. When the purpose of the law is not known, abuse is the result. The lawmakers can make laws for personal gain or to reward evil and frustrate good. If you do not understand the purpose of freedom of speech, you will abuse it.

There are some times you may not find the purpose of a thing easily from people around you, because the abnormal use has become popular and accepted. You may need to discover the purpose so that you do not join the abusers to continue in the abnormal use. Ask yourself the question Why? What is the purpose of this position? Why this law?

Many could be wrong, but if you discover the purpose it could help you make the right decision. There is so much abuse in our world because we do not ask why. Majority follow without asking questions or understanding the purpose.

Wherever you are on the planet earth today, you might have become used to some things because everyone does it. It does not make it right. Discover the purpose before you follow suit. Abuse is destructive, even when you think you have some pleasure, it is temporary. There may be some terrible consequences afterwards, which could affect you and the lives of others as well.

To be continued next week, don’t miss it.

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