
Have you heard of a success story, probably one that someone did something significant? Have you ever thought that you could do the same or achieve the same goal?

Most often than not, people assume that those that succeed have never failed. They think that the wealthy never lacked or those that achieved great goals never had disappointments. It seems that they believe that those that win had never lost or those that command attention and attraction today in their various fields of human endeavour were not at some point a subject of pity or disbelief.

The star that emerged today has a history that can help you understand their story and journey. It is helpful especially for those stating the same journey because it will help manage expectations and empower them to graciously manoeuvre the different twists and turns that may appear on their path to success.

It might not be as easy as you think because their life today is a function of their input and experiences in the past. In other words, what you see today is because of many things that have happened in the past. If you want to be what they are today, you must be willing to do what they have done in the past.

You may admire the smile of an army officer that fought, conquered on many occasions and retired after a successful career. You have only seen the end—you do not fully understand the journey he has gone through. If you decide to follow the same path, you may be discouraged as you begin to face the reality of the challenges involved. One of the questions you may ask is that ‘Will I ever achieve the same success?’ or comments like ‘Surely it could not have been this challenging for him because I saw him smiling without complaints’. There is more to it than revealed in a glance during a ceremony or award. The journey is not only the end; it is from the beginning to the end.

Most often than not, we only get to understand the complete story when we decide to embark on the same journey ourselves. It is crucial to value the experience of others that have followed that path to make yours better. The army official has completed successfully—he is taking off his uniform. It is only wise for anyone desiring to put it on, to learn from those that have gone ahead or completed the journey.

Many people start new ideas, goals, decisions with great enthusiasm, but they soon lose hope because of the challenges that come their way. They never knew about them, never heard of them, or probably never thought it could be that hard, or perhaps trivialised them, but they get overwhelmed by the reality of the situation when they embark on the process.

Most people that have achieved something significant will have some stories of the challenges they have had to overcome to get to where they are. It is not strange; it is not new. The one common thing to most of them is that they decided to continue, refusing to give up until they found a way out of the situation.

You may be facing challenges, but that does not necessarily mean you should give up. If it is the right path, you need to continue. There is no challenge free track in life—you need to be prepared to face the challenges in your chosen field.

There is one thing that can encourage you; look at the army officer that has completed a successful career—it could be anyone that has done what you desire to do. You can tell yourself that it is possible, especially when you face challenges because you have seen someone achieve the same or similar thing. It will not only encourage you but also empower you to continue.

You can only get to the end of the journey if you continue. Continue, therefore, because those that made it also continued regardless of the situation.


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