WIN - The Choice to Win

The Choice to Win

This year, we witness another edition of the international multi-sport event, held in Tokyo, Japan—the 2020 summer Olympics. You may have heard some news from some of the games. It …


yes1 - Yes, you can

Yes, you can

Can I? Have you asked yourself that question? Have you ever wondered whether you are capable of doing what someone else can or have done? It is probably one question …


dfm - Does Failure Matter?

Does Failure Matter?

Nobody wants to fail. Many still do in one thing or another. It seems not to acknowledge wishes or have respect for what people desire. What does it mean for …


SC3 - Are you Succeeding?

Are you Succeeding?

Everybody desires to succeed in whatever they do, whether young or old, rich or poor, famous or unknown, amateur or expert, leader or follower. You may have heard many people …
