Building Blocks for a Quality Life -Part 6


How can you achieve quality? Is it by doing many or by doing few? I wonder what you think.

There are so many concrete blocks that form part of a building. They come in different sizes, shapes or forms and have a set function which determines their position and placement.

Each of them can do many things, but in a building, when the brick is assigned and set, it holds its place to perform the required function. If you decide to put the same brick to another use, you will disrupt the structure, putting it at risk and probably delaying or stopping the project.

“There are challenges in every path in life, no matter which one you decide to follow.”

The same is true in life. Everyone can do many things, but not enough time to be a master of them all. When the priority is missing, you may end up doing many things but never succeeding in any because you may need more than a lifetime to make the most of several things. Besides, you probably do not need to do many things to find fulfilment. Doing many things, in most cases, is an attempt by some to find their path or to discover which will produce the best result.

There are challenges in every path in life, no matter which one you decide to follow. They come at different stages or phases, depending on your pursuit. Some may seem easy at the beginning, but there are challenges further on, while some may seem challenging midway but with a great moment of fulfilment ahead.

If you only think of the difficulty when you start, you may have only picked the one with the least resistance at the beginning but not necessarily the one without any difficulty at all. The more you progress, the more you understand that there is no challenge-free track in life.

“The more you progress, the more you understand that there is no challenge-free track in life.”

Everyone has abilities that empower them to go ahead in their area of strength; the problem is that some people battle with divided focus, which divides their energy and eventually slows them down because of the many things that suck their energy.

It is easier and faster to fill up a cup in one location than to fill up ten by pouring a little water in each cup in ten different places. It is also easier to win in one race if you focus on it than to attempt to run in ten at once.

You can help yourself by finding what you consider crucial to your life and focusing on it with all your energy, strength and resources. You will face challenges on the way, but your emphasis will give you a unique experience that will ensure that you are still standing and making progress.

“It is easier to win in one race if you focus on it than to attempt to run in ten at once.”

One of the distractions for many is not doing what is evil but what is not bad and should have a lesser priority. Many people spend time, strength and resources on things that are not bad but will not lead them to a quality life. What it does is simple; it robs them of the resources to focus on what will make their life worthwhile.

If someone spends all his time on entertainment videos—that have no relevance to his purpose, he has only used the same time he could invest in what should be crucial. He would not do or complete the essential things because he spent his time on entertainment. The question is not; how many things can you do? It is how many should you do?

You may want to consider your life to see that you are concentrating on what is critical for your life and not just what is good to do. I hope you find out on time and change accordingly.


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