Building Blocks for a Quality Life -Part 17

Order II

Have you ever seen a building starting from the top?

Every wise builder starts to build from the foundation to the top. We can obey many natural laws to keep things in order, but many seem to ignore them and wonder why there is chaos around them.

Keeping things in the correct order is crucial; otherwise, there will be chaos along the line. There is an efficient way for everything everyone needs to do; when things get done differently than they should, problem ensues.

A good night’s sleep benefits your health as it helps improve your attention and concentration, among other things. However, suppose you refuse to sleep for whatever reason. In that case, you may find out that while you are at your desk or work the following day, you may find that someone would politely tap your shoulders to let you know that you are dozing off —a polite way of saying that you are sleeping at the wrong time. If you fell asleep at the wheel, it could even be more dangerous, if not fatal.

“We can achieve orderliness when we know and respect our limits.”

Most often than not, we can achieve orderliness when we know and respect our limits. For example, a mechanic who can only handle ten cars per day in his workshop may tend to book in twice as much, only for him to struggle and fail to keep his promise. As a result, there would be chaos resulting from frustrated or disappointed customers. The capacity was not there to meet the need, but because he ignored it, he spent most of the time managing the avoidable mess. Furthermore, it could contribute to stress and health issues if it becomes a routine.

Order can result from conscious and deliberate actions based on measurable circumstances to ensure a smooth process realises a goal.

A student who desires to be an Engineer starts with Elementary Mathematics in Primary school, then progresses to Secondary and University. The order is essential for progressive learning, which is appropriate for each stage of the student’s life. The step-by-step process aids understanding as the student progresses to complex and more challenging areas. Many people will be unable to cope if it happens the other way round, i.e., starting from University or the difficult and complex part.

“Order can result from conscious and deliberate actions”

Imagine an employee that effectively completes ten tasks a day but now adds another fifteen for some reason, probably saying yes to all requests to look good. You may find that he may struggle and become disorganised because he cannot deliver as he once did. It will affect his fulfilment, and he may feel bad for letting people down because he did not complete all the tasks. He could avoid that situation by adhering to a process that can help him achieve his goal.

There are examples of people who believe in order and can tell from their actions. They only take on what they are confident they can deliver. They obey the limit rule and can say no instead of being sorry for not performing. They are the people that tell you that they cannot offer the service you asked for or requested, or they are no more available slots, or our diary got fully booked. They are the ones that tell you they cannot register any new students or club members. They are the ones that give you a deadline to specify your interest or make a payment to guarantee their commitment. They are the people that assess you before they offer a service or assure a result. You may have found that the process works because actions are in place to achieve the goal through a smooth and tested approach.

You may have found the reason for your chaos and how to bring about order. The people you see around are willing to pay the price for the order they enjoy, which is working for them. It is a conscious step you must take; it will not just happen; you must make it happen. When you do, you will also enjoy the benefits of the order you created.


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